Plasma Laboratory for Advanced Research

고성능 플라즈마 연구실

Plasma & Nuclear Fusion Research

Tokamak Operation Scenarios,
Plasma Equilibrium and Stability,
Plasma Transport,
Integrated Plasma Modelling and Simulations,
Tokamak Experiment,
Fusion Reactor and Policy


Welcome! We are



Plasma Laboratory for Advanced Research in Seoul National University.


Normally there are three states of matter: solid, liquid and gas. Plasma, which belongs to neither of them, is usually called the 4th state of matter.


Nuclear fusion is a process where the light atomic nuclei fuse at high temperatures, causing mass defect, and, by the mass-energy equivalence, generate energy.


Tokamak is a device to confine the plasma and realize fusion reaction.

Our Mottos

不積蹞步 無以至千里
不積小流 無以成江海

– <순자(荀子)> 권학(勸學)편
발걸음을 쌓지 않으면 천리 길에 이를 수 없고,
작은 물의 흐름이 모이지 않으면, 강과 바다가 이루어 지지 않는다.